Threatened Species in the Nam Ha National Protected Area “Nam Ha NPA”
Over 22 endangered mammal species have been observed in Nam Ha NPA including clouded leopard, tiger and black-cheeked crested gibbon, one of the rarest gibbon species. There are small populations of gaur, Asian elephant and possibly a unique munity species. Some threats to wildlife are the harvest of timber resources and NTFPs and the hunting of wildlife for food.

Clouded leopard (Pardofelis nebulosa)
This globally threatened large forest cat climbs trees and is active in the forest both during the day and is active in the forest both during the day and at night.

Gaur ( Bos frontalis)
Gaur, a type of wild ox caught here on a camera trap recording nocturnal wildlife activity, are still threatened by hunting.

Black-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor)
2003 survey confirmed small numbers of this rare and endangered gibbon species in at least thee remote forest locations in Nalae, Vieng Phou Kha and Long districts. Protected Area staff is conducting public awareness programs in villages near the gibbon habitats, and they work in partnership with ecotourism operators to develop protection strategies.
1. Picture of Clouded leopard © National Geographic Society
2. Picture of Gaur © Francois Savigny/naturepl.com
3. Picture of Black-cheeked crested gibbon © Conservation International
Where animals stay in the Nam Ha National Protected Area “Nam Ha NPA”