Managing the Lao National Protected Area Network
From a global sustainability perspective, the economic, environmental and social value of NPA networks is priceless. From a local perspective, agriculture and fisheries are the main economic activity for over 85% of the Lao population. Managing the NPA network for conservation and sustainable use is huge challenge. Lao has developed a forward looking and regionally unique National Ecotourism strategy and Action plan with a key focus to promote poverty alleviation and strengthen the management of biodiversity in and around the NPA network.
To support biodiversity management, funds from Ecotourism activity are channeled to the NPAs tourists visiting NPAs pay entry fees which are invested into locally designed programs that:
- Decrease the dependence of local communities on threatened species.
- Provide alternative sources of income and improve local livelihoods, especially through the development of Ecotourism activity.
- Raise awareness of the relationship between Ecotourism activity poverty alleviation and good conservation practice.
- Build the capacity and status of protected area staff.
- Prevent illegal hunting and harvesting practices.
To find out more about NPAs, Ecotourism and biodiversity in Laos, visit the Lao National Visitor Centre in Vientiane, and browse informative websites: